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What is Black Friday?

Nov 30, 2021
what is black friday cyber monday

Black Friday

Every year, millions of Mexicans look forward to the arrival of the Good End, a date on which thousands of businesses decide to put the best deals of the year with a view to the December dates, something very similar to Black Friday in the United States.

What is Black Friday?

In order for us to better understand the reason for, it is necessary to bear in mind that November has become the “informal” start of the Christmas season. The reason for this is the boost that pre-Christmas sales give retailers to attract the most customers to their stores.

Black Friday had its beginnings in the 1950s in Philadelphia, USA. The story details that days after Thanksgiving, dozens of buyers arrived in that city, driven by the great deals and decorations carried out by business owners to boost their sales the day before the football game, which took place. Saturday.

Of course, the offers were designed to attract many customers; however, business owners never imagined how successful they would be. Crowded shops, parking lots, and crowded streets were common postcards that day.

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Thanks to those long lines and the chaos caused in the city, business owners named that”Black Friday” as a comical reference to what happened that day.

Big Friday in the United States

Eleven years after that first Black Friday (1961), businesses in the United States began to take the data very seriously, so it was proposed to change the name to “Big Friday”, with the aim that one of the biggest shopping days didn’t have a negative connotation. However, that was not successful.

Black Friday in Mexico

Although Black Friday has become an iconic celebration in the United States, the rise of e-commerce has allowed businesses around the world to participate by offering even more attractive offers.

In fact, according to an analysis carried out by Global, Internet sales in Mexico increased up to 136% compared to a normal day. If you have not considered opening your own e-commerce store,or Cyber Monday may be the perfect pretext to increase your sales and strengthen another sales channel in your business.

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